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Популярная система мониторинга и управления серверами. Поддерживает множество игр. Среди них Half-Life, Half-Life 2, все части Quake, в том числе Quake 4, Doom 3, Battlefield 2, Painkiller, Unreal Tournament 2004 и многие другие.
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- Добавлено окно пользователя. - Переделан "Лист друзей". - В "Лист друзей" добавлен чат. - Поддержка новой игры: Nexuiz. - Поддержка новой игры: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.. - Поддержка новой игры: Pariah. - Поддержка новой игры: ioquake3. - Поддержка новой игры: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault. - Поддержка новой игры: Postal 2. - Поддержка новой игры: Tremulous. - CoD4 - Crysis - SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate - F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate - Armed Assault - Unreal Tournament 3 - Добавлена поддержка китайского, словацкого, венгерского и тайваньского языков. - Улучшен французский перевод в HLSW. - Добавлены правила лиг (NGL One
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HLSW - одна из лучших программ по мониторингу игровых серверов и подключению к ним. Мы в настоящем обзоре дадим вам самое подробное описание по всем настройкам и установкам, из всех написанных на русском языке.
Из особенностей можно выделить: 1. удобный интерфейс; 2. создание удобных списков по категориям; 3. полная информация по серверу; 4. удаленное управление сервером и ввод ркон команд; 5. наличие наглядного маршрута (трейса) до сервера; 6. поиск игроков и общение с ними; 7. поддержка большого количества игр; 8. возможность заходить в игру прямо через меню программы.
FTP Внимание! У вас нет прав для просмотра скрытого текста. Внимание! У вас нет прав для просмотра скрытого текста.
It's been exactly one day since k3g released his last movie, and it's time again, for the chinese jumper to show what's up! No further presentation is needed, everybody knows k3g.
The movie contains mostly new jumps and a lot of edge bugs.
Presented by kz-pictures and made by the moviemaker N1K1t1Ch^ a brand new movie came out for you to enjoy.
It's a trickjump movie about the two real life friends Ggs and eFFoRt. The movie is splitted in three main parts: the first part is about tricksjumps by Ggs, the second part about eFFoRt and the last part is some two man actions. Seems like two man parts into movies is coming into fashion these days. You will see all kind of techniques in this movie combined with a lot of effects. Furthermore the whole movie contains soft ingame sound.
There's not much to say about the movie itself, most of the tricks are not overseen, the editing is really good, maximaLz worked alot on the quality, the colors and the effects. There are many campaths and it's really appreciable, it's kind of slow but fits to the songs he used. Not much to say, but much to watch... It's really worth watching, don't even try to resist to this frenchie movie!
Yet another movie by our moviemaking community kz-pictures was released. The movie starts directly without any intro or text with a bunnyhop line. But suddenly the scene stops and the usual kz-pictures intro begins to run. A different movie?
The movie was made by the lithuanian moviemaker HsOnAs and it features an unknown player and friend of him called Skai. This movie is not a typical trickjump movie, with the intention to impress and show off some skills by the player and the moviemaker. This movie is more about transporting a feeling of kreedz climbing. Maybe it's something many people lost during all the years of jumping and now the lithuanian duo wants to come up with some atmosphere to make you remember about the great feelings of your gaming past.
A lot of flashing effects are synchronised with the lithuanian music meanwhile Skai is pulling of
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The movie is also a pretty calm movie, at the beginning... The intro songs directly brings you some relax feelings, trickjumps are really nice and all of this mixed up makes you being like hypnotized in front of your computer. juhuu used many different effects, with different colors, contrasts, blur levels, which brings us to one word: variety. I know I'm repeating myself but, seriously, it
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